Citizen-Centric Perspective on New Government Models for Europe after 2030

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* Report: Vesnic-Alujevic, L., Stoermer, E., Rudkin, J., Scapolo, F., Kimbell, L. The Future of Government 2030+: A Citizen-Centric Perspective on New Government Models. EUR 29664 EN. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019.



"The Future of Government 2030+: A Citizen Centric Perspective on New Government Models project brings citizens to the centre of the scene. The objective of this project is to explore the emerging societal challenges, analyse trends in a rapidly changing digital world and launch an EU-wide debate on the possible future government models. To address this, citizen engagement, foresight and design are combined, with recent literature from the field of digital politics and media as a framework. The main research question of the project is: How will citizens, together with other actors, shape governments, policies and democracy in 2030 and beyond? Throughout the highly participatory process, more than 150 citizens, together with CSO, think tank, business and public sector representatives, as well as 100 design students participated in the creation of future scenarios and concepts. Four scenarios have been created using the 20 stories emerged from citizen workshops. They served as an inspiration for design students to develop 40 FuturGov concepts.

Through the FuturGov Engagement Game, the project’s ambition is to trigger and launch a debate with citizens, businesses, civil society organizations, policy-makers and civil servants in Europe."


The report presents 4 scenarios:

"Four scenarios have been created: DIY Democracy (characterised by decentralisation of power and self-organized communities), Private Algocracy (giant digital companies hold the power over citizens and governments), Super Collaborative Government (with high collaboration and co-creation between citizens, governments and other stakeholders) and Over Regulatocracy (characterised by over-protection by the government through the creation of too many regulations with the help of technology). These scenarios, along with the design concepts of new interactions with government produced by design students, are used as tools for reflection, to explore new possibilities and challenge preconceived ideas about government today. This allows us to assess the redistribution of power relations between societal actors and political institutions."


  1. Scenario 1: DIY Democracy 32
  2. Scenario 2: Private Algocracy 38
  3. Scenario 3: Super Collaborative Government 44
  4. Scenario 4: Over-Regulatocracy 50