Cera Centre for Co-operative Entrepreneurship

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url= http://www.cooperatiefondernemen.be/en/home.html

A Scientific Research Centre...


The Cera Centre for Co-operative Entrepreneurship (Steunpunt Coöperatief Ondernemen) is a scientific research centre of HIVA, a multi-disciplinary research institute of the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). It is financed by Cera, a Belgian co-operative financial holding, and operates in close collaboration with the Centre d'Economie Sociale of the University of Liège (ULg).

The aim of this research centre is to support the development of the co-operative sector in Belgium by supplying scientific research on co-operative entrepreneurship in a multidisciplinary way. Our research agenda provides an overview of our current and planned research activities.

... With 5 functions

  1. Analysis
    1. Makes a systematic analysis of the evolutions in the co-operative sector in Belgium and other western countries.
  2. Research
    1. It provides the co-operative sector with insights stemming from applied scientific research. This includes a survey on co-operatives in Belgium, case studies, results from focus groups and an economic analysis of different aspects of co-operative entrepreneurship.
  3. Networking
    1. It participates in international research networks like EMES and the ICA Scientific Committee on Cooperatives investigating co-operatives and cooperates closely with the Centre d'Economie Sociale of the University of Liège.
  4. Recruting
    1. It promotes and supports research of co-operatives by recruiting young researchers and attracting research funds.
  5. Information
    1. It informs the sector, the government, the stakeholders and the general public about recent developments in Belgium and abroad in the field of co-operative entrepreneurship.