Central and South America
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International Organizations and Projects
- The Project E-LANE [1]
- The E-LANE project proposes the integration of solid applications already used in the context of elearning as an open software elearning platform, using the .LRN educational platform which is based on OpenACS, the design of an innovative teaching methodology oriented towards this platform, and the integration of course content from some of the most prestigious educational institutions in Europe and Latin America with the objective of providing the society with low cost educational material.
- AHCIET is the Hispanic-American Association of Research Centers and Telecommunication Enterprises.[2]
- Founded in 1982, AHCIET is a non-profit organization. More than 50 Latin American and Spanish telecommunications companies have joined us with the sole purpose of contributing to telecommunications development as a basis of very nation’s growth.
- The Europe Latin America Cooperation on Information Society @LIS [3]
- @LIS is a strategic cooperation programme of the European Commission (DG Europaid) between Europe and Latin America aiming at promoting economic development and citizens' participation in the global information society.
- Network of e-Government Leaders of Latin America and the Caribbean (RED GEALC)[4]
- RED GEALC was created as a space to exchange expertise, knowledge and solutions in every area related to e-Government with the aim of facilitating shared efforts and horizontal cooperation among member countries, through those in charge of the day-to-day of e-Government.
- Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA)[5]
- At the Quebec City Summit of the Americas in April 2001, leaders recognized the importance of promoting information and communication technology (ICT) to improve social and economic development, and committed themselves to narrowing the digital divide. The Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA) was announced as Canada’s contribution to the Summit. ICA plays a unique and important role in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) by bringing together stakeholders from different sectors to implement strategic networks and scaled-up innovative technology initiatives. ICA has received approximately 400 proposals since its creation, and has responded to the region by supporting over 60 initiatives. ICA fulfills a critical role in the region by facilitating the coordination, collaboration and sharing of efforts across countries with a number of key projects.
- Wireless Technologies for the Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (WiLAC)[6]
- WiLAC is a new information portal about Wireless Technologies for Development , designed to support those individuals, organizations, municipalities and businesses which are currently implementing community wireless connectivity projects, or those just about to start.Throughout Latin American and the Caribbean the WiLAC portal promotes information about design, implementation, development, replication, and use of the necessary components for a successful community wireless project that serves the community.
- The Observatory for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (OSILAC)[7]
- The main objective of OSILAC is to centralize and harmonize data that serve to monitor the status of what is known as the "information society" in the Latin American and Caribbean region. The Observatory provides support for national statistical institutes in compiling indicators on information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the region and in employing the associated methodology.
- Regional Action Plan for the information society (eLAC 2007)[8]
- eLAC 2007 is the Regional Action Plan for the information society, which was officially approved at the Regional Latin American and Carribean Preparatory Ministerial Conference for the World Summit on Information Society on June 10, 2005 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is based on constant dialogue and cooperation among all the Latin American and Caribbean countries, and leading to the adoption of a common policy agenda.
- Continente Digital [9]
- The Economy of Knowledge Project in Latin America and the Caribbean (EC Project) is a two-year research program in which FLACSO-México will have full control over a fund sponsored by the International Development Research Center (IDRC). The aim of the program is to support research projects and knowledge-sharing activities that fill in existing learning gaps and generate inputs to formulate public policies promoting the Economic of Knowledge to the benefit of Latin American and Caribbean societies.
- Regional Fund for Digital Innovation in the Latin America and Caribbean (FRIDA) [10]
- FRIDA Program (Regional Fund for Digital Innovation in the Latin America and Caribbean) is an initiative of LACNIC, Pan Americas/IDRC and ICA to promote the development of research in countries of the Latin America and the Caribbean region in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
- Regional Dialogue on the Information Society (DIRSI) [11]
- DIRSI is a network of professionals and academic institutions that creates knowledge to support policymarking that promotes effective participation of poor and marginalized commnunities of Latin America and the Caribbean in the Information Society.
- Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) [12]
- SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online is a model for cooperative electronic publishing of scientific journals on the Internet. Especially conceived to meet the scientific communication needs of developing countries, particularly Latin America and the Caribbean countries, it provides an efficient way to assure universal visibility and accessibility to their scientific literature, contributing to overcome the phenomena known as "lost science". In addition, the SciELO model comprises integrated procedures for the measurement of usage and impact of scientific journals.
- Universia [13]
- The Portal for Latin american and Spanish Universities
- The Latin American Information Agency -ALAI [14]
- The Latin American Information Agency -ALAI- is a communications organization, committed to the full respect of human rights, gender equality and people's participation in development and policy making in Latin America. Its actions are part of the struggle for the democratization of communication, as a basic prerequisite for democratic society and social justice.
- INFOAMÉRICA is a portal specialized in Communication and directed to the nations of Spanish and Portuguese languages, that constitute the Iberoamérica cultural space.
- Alfa-Redi [16]
- Alfa-Redi es una organización de la Sociedad Civil, de base en Latinoamérica, dedicada investigación, discusión, formulación de propuestas y acción en temas de Políticas de Sociedad de la Información.
- Monitor de Privacidad y Acceso a la Informacion en America Latina [17]
- Esperamos que este Monitor sirva a los tomadores de decisiones en políticas y regulación de Sociedad de la Información en América Latina, en temas de privacidad, protección de datos personales y acceso a la información pública; a los Organismos de la Sociedad Civil, involucrados en temas de derechos humanos, con especial énfasis en privacidad, protección de datos personales y acceso a la información pública y a toda la Comunidad de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, con la finalidad de que conozcan los avances doctrinarios, legislativos, jurisprudenciales y de buenas prácticas en sus respectivos países y de la región en materia de Privacidad, Protección de Datos y Acceso a la Información.
- Somos Telecentros [18]
- Somos una red humana de telecentros comunitarios, organizaciones sociales e iniciativas que compartimos realidades similares y nos acompañamos en el desarrollo de actividades y proyectos, a través de diálogos e intercambios de información y conocimiento. Estamos en América Latina y El Caribe y creemos que el telecentro comunitario es un espacio físico de encuentro y comunicación, ubicado dentro de un contexto comunitario y aglutinador de iniciativas participativas para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la población de la que es parte, usando las tecnologías de información y comunicación como herramientas de trabajo.
- El Portal de Juventud para América Latina y el Caribe [19]
- El Portal esta dirigido a todo público, pero especialmente a aquellas redes, organizaciones y grupos de jóvenes y de quienes trabajan con jóvenes en América Latina. El Portal, intenta transformarse en los hechos una red de redes de organizaciones de jóvenes y de las que trabajan con jóvenes, públicas y privadas, nacionales e internacionales, en todas las temáticas vinculadas a la cuestión juvenil en América Latina y el Caribe.
- Foro Latinoamericano de Entes Reguladores de Telecomunicaciones [20]
- Regulatel (Foro Latinoamericano de Entes Reguladores de Telecomunicaciones) fue constituido, con el propósito de fomentar la cooperación y coordinación de esfuerzos y promover el desarrollo de las telecomunicaciones en América Latina. Este foro esta conformado por diescinueve entes reguladores de América Latina: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay,Perú, República Dominicana, La república Oriental de Uruguay y Venezuela.
- Enlace Hispano-Americano de Salud (EHAS)[21]
- La Fundación EHAS es una institución sin ánimo de lucro cuyo fin último es la mejora de los sistemas públicos de asistencia de salud en las zonas rurales de los países hispanoamericanos, y todos aquellos otros que se encuentren en vías de desarrollo, a través del uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.
- Red sobre el Impacto Social de las Tecnologîas de la Información y Comunicación (RedISTIC)[22]
- La Red sobre el Impacto Social de las Tecnologîas de la información y Comunicación (RedISTIC) es una organización que reúne instituciones de la sociedad civil y del ámbito académico que se proponen articular iniciativas de colaboración para procurar una influencia cierta y efectiva en las políticas públicas sobre TICs en la región. Se centrará en hacer que tengan una visión social y al mismo tiempo estructurar y consolidar los esfuerzos de colaboración en mira a cambios en la manera de trabajar como colectivos de las OSC.
- Red Iberoamericana de Ciudades Digitales [23]
- La Red Iberoamericana de Ciudades Digitales (RED) es una iniciativa de AHCIET que nace en mayo de 2001 con el objetivo de promover el desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información en Iberoamérica a través de la cooperación entre ciudades desde un enfoque integrador, INVOLUCRANDO a todos los actores claves: gobiernos nacionales y locales, sector privado, organizaciones internacionales, federaciones municipales y el resto de agentes locales.
- Observatorio para la CiberSociedad [24]
- El Observatorio para la CiberSociedad se define como Comunidad Digital de Conocimiento sobre las dimensiones sociales y culturales de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. El OCS es un proyecto de carácter abierto, colaborativo y autogestionado, en constante construcción y crecimiento. Para ello, el OCS organiza actividades, recopila materiales, edita una revista de contenidos específicos, difunde trabajos de investigación y divulgación, pretende ofrecer y construir una red de investigación y reflexión sobre lo cibersocial y, en definitiva, fomentar el debate y el trabajo sobre la nueva realidad interconectada y digital de nuestra sociedad.
Future Networks
- The Americas Grid Policy Management Authority (TAGPMA)[25]
- The Americas Grid Policy Management Authority (TAGPMA) is a federation of authentication providers and relying parties headed by a Policy Management Authority of those responsible for grids in North and South America. Our goal is to foster the cross-domain trust relationships that are needed to deploy grids in the Americas and around the world.
- Our Grid [26]
- OurGrid is a free-to-join peer-to-peer grid that has been in production since December 2004. Anyone can free and easily join it to gain access to large amounts of computational power and run parallel applications. This computational power is provided by the idle resources of all participants, and is shared in a way that makes those that contribute more get more when they need.
- RedCLARA [27]
- The CLARA organization - Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks - will be responsible for the implementation and management of a network infrastructure that will interconnect the national academic networks of several Latin American countries. With several universities and research centers connected to RedCLARA -the CLARA network-, many projects that suffered with the lack of an adequate infrastructure to support communication and collaboration are now able to advance, like projects in the area of HEP (High Energy Physics), computational GRID, astronomy and atmospheric studies.
- LACNIC [28]
- The Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry LACNIC), is the organization that administrates IP addresses space, Autonomous System Numbers (ASN), reverse resolution and other resources of the Latin American and Caribbean region (LAC), on behalf of the Internet community.
- NAP of the Americas [29]
- Terremark Worldwide Inc. is the owner and operator of the NAP of the Americas, the fifth Tier-1 Network Access Point in the world, and the only one designed and built from the ground up specifically to link Latin America to the rest of the world.
- E-Infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America" -EELA [30]
- EELAs primary goal is: Through specific support actions, to position the Latin American countries at the same level of the European developments in terms of E-Infrastructure.
- Latin American and Caribbean IPv6 Task Force[31]
- El objetivo principal del Grupo de Trabajo en IPv6 para América Latina y el Caribe será fomentar la adopción de IPv6 en la región. Para ello, el "LAC IPv6 TF" coordinara la cooperación entre las distintas partes relacionadas con la adopción de IPv6 en Latinoamérica y el Caribe, así como actividades de sensibilización, divulgación y educación acerca de IPv6 y tecnologías afines.
Documents, Books, Papers
- Democracy in Latin America: Towards a Citizens´ Democracy (Report and Annexs) UNDP 2006 [32]
- An integral analysis on democracy in 18 countries of the region. Report’s Annexes:- Statistical Compendium: an extensive set of statistical data about the status of democracy in the region. - Conceptual Debate on Democracy: the papers of 18 academics about the theoretical framework of the Report.
- DIGITAL POVERTY, Latin American and Caribbean Perspectives - DIRSI - (2006) [33]
- This book represents the first publication of the Regional Dialogue on the Information Society (DIRSI in Spanish), a regional network of leading researchers concerned with the creation and dissemination of knowledge that supports effective participation in the Information Society by the poor and marginalized communities in Latin American and the Caribbean. The chapters that follow reflect different studies undertaken by DIRSI members under the common theme of pro-poor, pro-market ICT policies. This theme seeks to support next-generation policy reforms that build on the achievements of market liberalization efforts but at the same time address the realities of what we call digital poverty a concept that seeks to grasp the multiple dimensions of inadequate levels of access to ICT services as well as the barriers to their productive use.
- Communication in Movement - ALAI -(2005)[34]
- "Communication in Movement", a new publication of ALAI (Agencia Latinoamericana de Información), examines the complex relations between social movements and communication. In the last decade, Latin America has seen the emergence of social and citizen movements dedicated to building alternatives to the neoliberal order. One of the central goals they have set is to appropriate and democratize communication. This work explores that process, scrutinizing the experiences of the organizations involved in outstanding social and citizen coordinating bodies and networks of the continent.
- Social Movements on the Net - ALAI - (2001)[35]
- Latin America is undergoing a new phase of social reactivation whose agenda includes global issues and social actors who seek to break out of the isolation of their specific struggles. Under this tonic, networks and coordinating bodies have proliferated (among peasants, indigenous people, women, African descendents, popular urban communities, among others), that are appropriating the Internet to intercommunicate, coordinate and disseminate their actions and proposals. This involves endeavours to deepen their understanding of the logic behind it, so as to reap fuller benefits.
- Song of the Sirens: Why the US–Andean FTAs undermine sustainable development and regional integration - OXFAM - (2006)[36]
- US free trade agreements with Peru and Colombia, as well as the possible agreement with Ecuador, were negotiated under the promise of great opportunities in the world’s richest market, but the truth is that these agreements will have a devastating impact on the livelihoods of small farmers, public health, and the regulation of investment to protect the public interest. Furthermore, they will weaken existing regional processes of integration and co-operation. Trade rules with the Andean region need to be substantially modified in order for development to become a priority once again.
- Urban Energy Poverty in Latin America - World Energy Council - 2006 [37]
- Unlike other developing regions in the world, the problem of energy poverty in Latin America has been concentrated increasingly in the large cities and urban areas, the group says in a report. This problem has deep systemic, economic, political, structural and cultural roots.
- Manual para el Desarrollo de Ciudades Digitales en Latinoamerica y el Caribe. AHCIET -(2005) [38]
- La informatización de los municipios, considerada en forma integral, puede considerarse como una nueva generación de obras públicas. Esta nueva generación tiene, como impacto en la comunidad y en su administración, el mejoramiento de la calidad y la eficiencia de la gestión municipal, y el perfeccionamiento de las infraestructuras de la economía, al establecer sistemas que incrementan la competitividad de los agentes de la producción y de los servicios.
Creative Commons
Blogs Directories
- Bitacoras [44]
- Chile [45]
- Peru [46]
- Venezuela [47]
- Bolivia [48]
- Mexico [49]
- Colombia [50]
- Uruguay [51]
- Guatemala [52]
- Puerto Rico [53]
- Honduras [54]
- Brasil [55]
- Argentina [56]
Business Incubators
- Red Latinoamericana de Asociaciones de Parques Tecnológicos e Incubadoras de Empresas RELAPI [57]
- In the IASP-LA Conference that took place in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, from July 28th to 30th, 2005, it was presented and accepted the proposal of creating the Latin American Association of Technological Parks and Enterprise Incubators Network (RELAPI), an initiative in the context of IASP-LA.
- Mejora de los niveles de eficiencia de los modelos de gestión de la cultura emprendedora de las universidades de la Red UNIEMPRENDE. América Latina: 1. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Chile, 2. Universidad de la Frontera Chile, 3. Universidad de Concepción Chile, 4. Pontificia Universidade Católica do Río de Janeiro Brasil, 5. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Perú, 6. Universidad Argentina de la Empresa Argentina. Unión Europea: 1. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela España, 2. Tecnische Universität de Ilmenau Alemania, 3. Universität Münster Alemania, 4. Universidade do Minho Portugal.
Corporate Social Responsability
- Forum Empresa [59]
- Red de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en las Américas Forum Empresa es una alianza hemisférica de organizaciones empresariales que promueven la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) en las Américas. Actualmente cuenta con 18 organizaciones que representan a 16 países en la región y reúne cerca de 3.500 empresas a través de las organizaciones miembros.
- Democracy in Latin America - UNDP [60]
Human Rights
- Red Latinoamericanos Desaparecidos [61]
- Missing Latin Americans Network