Category talk:Top Category

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Serves no clear purpose to me ?

--MIchel Bauwens (talk) 18:00, 14 February 2017 (UTC)

I'm not particularly worried by this, but I do see one useful purpose to me, at least. That is, to designate which categories are "primitive", or at the top of their respective trees. If a category has ((Category:Top Category)) it would mean that we recognised its importance at the top of its branch of the Category tree.

If you take a look at Special:UncategorizedCategories you see all the categories that are not placed in the category tree. Having Top Category allows all other top categories not to appear in this list. I suppose it's a kind of housekeeping facility.

Now, we can separately think about whether we prefer all categories to be on the tree. Perhaps this is not necessary, but I do think that categories on the tree and those off the tree have rather a different status. I would hope that we can arrange all the key categories in the tree...

Simon Grant (talk) 20:17, 14 February 2017 (UTC)