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The discussion of panarchy herein will be embryonic in nature. I will begin with the complete shape, but only in the simplest of forms. As I add more material, the overall structure will become more developed and clarified, but all of the essentials will have been laid out in the beginning.


Panarchy is a transdisciplinary investigation into the political and cultural philosophy of "network culture." The primary fields of relevance for panarchy are world politics (international relations), political philosophy/theory, and information technology. Panarchy also draws on insights from information/communications theory, economics, sociology, networks, and complex systems.

The seminal paper outlining panarchy is "Panarchy: Governance in the Network Age" by Paul B. Hartzog.

Panarchy research has two aspects, one descriptive, the other normative.


The descriptive aspect attempts to articulate a comprehensive description of the network age. This means understanding its infrastructure and topology as well as understanding its cultural aspects of cooperation and communication. Networks and complex systems are the key frames used to describe panarchical systems.


The normative aspect attempts to articulate various arguments about the gains and losses associated with the move into peer-to-peer (p)anarchical society. Political and social theory are rife with discussions of the interplay between structures, individuals, and groups. We shape our social structures, for certain, but they also shape us.

Pages in category "Panarchy"

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