Bibliography on System-to-System Transitions
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This is based on a re-ordering and reworking of Adam Arvidsson's bibliography in the essay, Capitalism and the Commons
Antiquity to Feudalism
- Anderson, Perry (1975) Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism, London, Verso
- Moore, Robert (2000) The First European Revolution, c. 970-1215 , Oxford; OxfordUniversity Press.
- Abu-Lughod, Janet (1989). Before European Hegemony. The World System AD 1250-1350. Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press.
- Birrell, Jean (1987) ‘Common rights in the medieval forest: Disputes and conflicts in the thirteenth century.’ Past & Present , (117): 22-49
- Bloch, March (1961) Feudal Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
- Bravo, Giangiacomo & Tine de Moor (2008) ‘The Commons in Europe: From Past to Future.’ International Journal of the Commons 2 (2): 155-61.
- de Munck, Bert (2011), ‘Guilds, Product Quality and Intrinsic Value. Towards a History of Conventions?’ Historical Social Research 36 (4): 103–24.
- de Moor, Tine (2008) ‘The silent revolution: A new perspective on the emergence ofcommons, guilds and other forms of corporate collective action in Western Europe.’ Supplement. Internationaal Instituut Voor Sociale Geschiedenis, 53, 2008 pp. 179–212
- Gustafsson. Bo (1987) ‘The rise and economic behaviour of medieval craft guilds. An economic theoretical interpretation.” Scandinavian Economic History Review 35 (1): 1–40.
- Lucassen, Jan, Tine de Moor & Jan Luiten van Zanden, (2008), ‘The return of the guilds: Towards a global history of the guilds in pre-industrial times’ International Review of Social History 53: 5–18.
- Pirenne, Henri. Economic and social history of medieval Europe. Routledge, 2015.
- Pirenne, Henri. Medieval Cities: Their Origins and the Revival of Trade-Updated Edition. Princeton University Press, 2014.
Feudalism to Capitalism
- Black, Antony (1984) Guilds and Civil Society in European Political Thought from the Twelfth Century to the Present
. London; Routledge.
- Bois, Guy (1976). Crise du féodalisme
- Braudel, Fernand (1984) Civilization and Capitalism. 15th - 18th. Century. Vol III. The Perspective of the World , New York; Harper & Row.
- Epstein, S.R. (1998). ‘Craft guilds, apprenticeship, and technological change in preindustrial Europe.’ The Journal of Economic History, 58 (3): 684-713
- Grief, Avner (2006) Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy: Lessons from Medieval Trade. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.
- Heller, H. (2011). The Birth of Capitalism: A Twenty-first-Century Perspective . London:Pluto Press.
- Hill, Christopher (1972) The World Turned Upside Down. Radical Ideas during the English Revolution. London: Temple Smith.
- Hong, Ho-fung (2001) ‘Imperial China and capitalist Europe in the 18th century global economy.’ Review: Fernand Braudel Center 24, (4): 473–513.
- Linebaugh, Peter (2008) The Magna Carta Manifesto. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Lopez, Roberto (1976). The Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages, 950-1350 . Cambridge; Cambridge University Press.
- Macpherson, Crawford (1973) The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism. From Hobbes to Locke, Oxford; Oxford University Press.
- Mokyr, Joel, (2010) ‘Entrepreneurship and the Industrial Revolution in Britain.’ Eds. Landes,David, Mokyr, Joel & William Baumol,
The Invention of Enterprise. Entrepreneurship from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern Times , Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 183-210.
- Moore, Jason (2002). ‘The crisis of feudalism: An environmental history.’ Organization & Environment , 15 (3), 301-322.
- Nuccio, Oscar (1983) ‘Medieval and Italian Sources of Economic Rationalism." Rivista di Politica Economica: Selected Papers (17): 69-131
- Polanyi, Karl. The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origin of our Time, Boston; Beacon Press.
- Pomeranz, Kenneth (2009). The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy . Princeton; Princeton University Press.
- Rees, John (2017) The Leveller Revolution. Political Organization in England, 1640-1650, London.
- Sabel, Charles & Jonathan Zetlin (1985) ‘Historical alternatives to mass production. Politics, markets and technology in nineteenth-century industrialization.” Past & Present 108: 133-76.
- Sweezy, P. M., Dobb, M., Takahashi, K., Hilton, R., Hill, C., Lefebvre, G., & Procassi, G.(1976). The transition from feudalism to capitalism (p. 22). London: NLB.
- Thompson, Edward P. (1971), ‘The moral economy of the English crowd in the eighteenth century.” Past & Present 50: 76–136.
- Wallerstein. Immanuel (1992) ‘The West, capitalism, and the modern world-system.’ Review :Fernand Braudel Center,
15 (4), pp.
- Arrighi, Giovanni (1994). The Long Twentieth Century, London; Verso.
- Baran, Paul & Paul Sweezy (1966), Monopoly Capital . New York; Monthly Review Press.
- Chandler, Alfred. (1977), The Visible Hand. The Managerial Revolution in American Business.
Cambridge (MA); Harvard University Press.
- Foster, John Bellamy (2011) ‘Monopoly and Competition in Twenty-First Century Captialism.’ Monthly Review 62 (11): 1–43.
- Hardt, Michael & Antonio Negri (2000), Empire, Cambridge (Mass): Harvard University Press.
- Moore, Jason (2015) Capitalism in the Web of Life: Ecology and the Accumulation of Capital . London: Verso
- Rosa, Hartmunt (2013) Social Acceleration. A New Theory of Modernity. New York: Columbia University Press.
Cognitive / Collaborative / Digital Capitalism
- Adler, Paul & Charles Heckscher (2006) ‘Towards collaborative community’ eds. Heckscher,Charles & Paul Adler,
The Firm as Collaborative Community, Oxford; Oxford University Press, pp. 11-105.
- Deka, Maitrayee (2018). ‘Embodied commons: Knowledge and sharing in Delhi’s electronic bazaars.’
The Sociological Review , 66 (2): 365-380.
- Dyer-Witheford, N. (1999) Cyber-Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High-Technology Capitalism. Urbana; University of Illinois Press.
- Fernandez, Valérie , Puel, Gilles and Clément Renaud (2016) ‘The Open Innovation Paradigm: From Outsourcing to Open-Sourcing in Shenzhen, China.’ International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development 40 (4): 27–41.
- Gao, Bao. (2011), ‘The informal economy in the era of information revolution and globalization: The Shanzhai Cell-phone industry in China. Chinese Journal of Sociology , 2(31):1-41.
- Lee, Joonkoo , Kim, Jong-Cheol & Jinho Lim (2016) ‘Globalization and Divergent Paths of Industrial Development: Mobile Phone Manufacturing in China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan,’ Journal of Contemporary Asia 46( 2): 222–46
- Li, Anthony (2017)’ Ecommerce and TaoBao villages.” Current Affairs: China Perspectives 3: 57–62.
- Machlup, Fritz (1973) The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States , Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1973
- Mathews, Gordon, Gustavo Ribeiro, and Carlos A. Vega (2012), Globalization from Below: The World’s Other Economy . London; Routledge, 2012.
- Mattelart, Armand (2000) Networking the world, 1794-2000. Minneapolis; University of Minnesota Press.
- Morris-Suzuki, Theresa (1986).’ Capitalism in the computer age.’ New Left Review , (160),81.
- Qui, Jack, (2016) Goodbye iSlave , Chicago; University of Illinois Press.
- Scholz, Trebor (2016) Platform Cooperativism. Challenging the Corporate Sharing Economy. New York: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
- Srnicek, Nick (2017) Platform Capitalism, Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Tarrius. Alain (2015) Etrangers de Passage. Poor to Poor, Peer to Peer. La Tour d’Aigues:Editions de l’Aube.
- Terranova, T. (2000). ‘Free labor: Producing culture for the digital economy.’ Social text , 18 (2), 33-58.
- Turner, Fred (2010) From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism . Chicago; University Of Chicago Press.
- Zhu, Sheng and Yongjuang Shi. (2010) ‘Shanzhai Manufacturing - an Alternative Innovation Phenomenon in China.’ Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China 1 (1): 29–49.
Capitalism to X
- Arvidsson, Adam (2019). Changemakers. On the Industrious Future of the Digital Economy. Cambridge; Polity.
- Arvidsson, Adam, Alessandro, Caliandro, Alberto Cossu, Maitrayee Deka, Alessandro Gandini, Vincenzo Luise, Brigida Orria and Guido Anselmi (2016). ‘Commons based peer production in the information economy’, Research Report, P2P Value, Bruxelles, European Commission,
[1] (accessed 11 May 2018).
- Arvidsson, Adam and Nicolai Peitersen (2013). The Ethical Economy. Rebuilding Value afterthe Crisis. New York; Columbia University Press.
- Bauwens, Michel (2005) ‘The political economy of peer production’ Ctheory , Jan 12, 2005, [2] (accessed, Feb 1, 2018).
- Benkler, Yochlai. (2006) The Wealth of Networks, New Haven; Yale University Press.
- Beverungen, Armin, Anna-Maria Murtola. & Gregory Schwartz, (2013) ‘The Communism of Capital.’ Ephemera 13 (3): 483-95.
- Caffentzis, George and Silvia Federici (2013) ‘Commons Against and Beyond Capitalism.’ Upping the Anti 15: 83–91.
- Hardt Michael. & Antonio Negri (2004) Multitude. London; Penguon Press.
- Hardt, Michael & Antonio Negri (2009) Commonwealth , Cambridge; Harvard University Press.
- Moore, Jason (2011). ‘Transcending the metabolic rift: a theory of crises in the capitalist world-ecology.’ The Journal of Peasant Studies , 38 (1), 1-46.
- Ocejo, Richard (2017) Masters of Craft: Old Jobs in the New Urban Economy. Princeton; Princeton University Press.
- Rifkin, Jeremy (2015) The Zero Marginal Cost Society, New York, Palgrave.
- Streeck, Wolfgang. (2014). How will capitalism end?. New Left Review , (87), 35-64.
After Capitalism
- Mason, Paul (2015) Post-Capitalism , London; Penguin.
- De Angelis, Massimo (2017) Omnia Sunt Communia. On the Commons and the Transformation to Postcapitalism. London; Verso, 2017