Automatic Boost Act

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= proposed by Rashida Tlaib to create a universal basic income system that initiates the first payout of $2,000 to every American citizen. Following the first $2K payment, U.S. residents will get an additional monthly payment of $1K up until one whole year after the covid-19 outbreak. The plan follows the MMT doctrine and was co-written by the president of the Modern Money Network Rohan Grey. [1]


by Jamie Redman:

"Essentially, the Boost Act would allow the Treasury to create a card administered by the U.S. Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service. Each card would be recharged with currency on a monthly basis. Every person includes dependents, the Boost Act underlines, “so a couple with two children would receive 4x $2,000 = $8,000 in total.” Undocumented people who exceed three months of residency in the U.S. are also eligible. The plan also extends to “individuals who do not have a bank account, social security number, or permanent address.”

“To ensure that this program is as universal and comprehensive as possible, the U.S. Treasury will develop its list of eligible individuals in coordination with the Internal Revenue Service, the Social Security Administration, the Federal Election Commission, and every other relevant federal, state, and local government agency, including state-level Departments of Motor Vehicles (DMVs),” the Boost act notes." (