Artistic Activism During Long 20th Century

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* Book: ART AND REVOLUTION, Artistic Activism During Long 20th Century. by Gerald Raunig. Futura publikacije, Novi Sad. Editor: New Media, Novi Sad. Edition: Red publications


translation to Serbian language, by [1]


In this study, author Gerald Raunig presents prolific material for the analysis of the diverse relations of exchange between art and activism based on a poststructuralist revolution theory. Gustave Courbet's engagement in the Paris Commune, German activism of the 1910s, post-revolutionary Soviet art around Eisenstein and Tretjakov, the Situationist Internationale in Paris in May '68, the confrontation of Viennese Actionism and the students movement in the action "art and revolution", and finally the genealogy of the PublixTheatreCaravan from an anarchist theatre collective of the 90s to a transversal interlinking of anti-globalisation and the European noborder network: These exemplary investigations open up an alternative art history of the "long" 20th century.

The original book title: Kunst und Revolution. Kˇstlerischer Aktivismus im langen 20. Jahrhundert, Wien: Turia+Kant 2005. The title of the book in Serbian language: Umetnost i revolucija, Umetnicki aktivizam tokom dugog XX veka, Novi Sad, Futura publikacije i, 2006

Gerald Raunig, philosopher, art theoretician, lives in Vienna. Codirector of EIPCP (European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies), Vienna, coordinator of the transnational research project republicart, lecturer on political aesthetics at the Institute for Philosophy, University of Klagenfurt/A and at the Department of Visual Studies, University of Lüneburg/D, editor of the Austrian journal for radical democratic cultural politics, Kulturrisse; numerous lectures, essays and publications in the fields of contemporary philosophy, art theory, political aesthetics and cultural politics.

Around publishing of the book, public debates were organized in order to announce and promote this translation. Presentations are organized in Novi Sad's Museum of Contemporary Art, on June 8th 2006, and in Belgrade on June 9th 2006 in Salon of Museum of Contemporary Art. Participants at th edebates were: Gerald Raunig, Relja Dražić, translator of the book and Branka Ćurčić from, as moderator of debates.

"...It is time to ask ourselves whether there does not exist, from a theoretical and practical point of view, a position which avoids absorption within the opaque and terrible essence of the State. In other words, whether there does not exist a viewpoint which, renouncing the perspective of those who would construct the constitution mechanistically, is able to maintain the thread of genealogy, the force of constituent praxis, in its extensivity and intensity. This point of view exists. It is the viewpoint of daily insurrection, of continual resistance, of constituent power." Antonio Negri (quoatation from the book "Art and Revolution")" (