Anti-Quota Labor System
Please note: Allen Butcher writes: "Anti-Quota—formerly used to refer to voluntary labor-gifting (1999), then changed to refer to required fair-share labor systems without labor quotas (2007)"
A. Allen Butcher, from his typology of Time-Based Economics:
"The simplest form of time economy may be called an “anti-quota” labor system where there is no minimum labor contribution requirement (i.e., there is no “labor quota”) for a person to maintain their membership in the group. Cohousing communities tend to use such purely voluntary anti-quota labor systems.
A common example of an anti-quota time economy would be where a church encourages its members to perform duties that the congregation has considered to be important to its mission, such as singing in the choir. When a church passes the collection plate, it earns money for the programs that it provides, including vocal music during the Sunday service. The portion of collection-plate income, member pledges, donations and other revenue not used for salaries or other compensation, is then shared by the congregation for things such as building maintenance and choir robes and sheet music. Thus, aside from any paid labor, the non-compensated labor that the congregation provides to the church helps to earn revenue for exchange with the outside monetary economy. Within the church congregation, however, the anti-quota time economy is used to manage the church’s communal economy of sharing. In contrast, for-profit corporations have economies involving only the accumulation and exchange of private property.
An example of a church that formed an intentional community is Shepherdsfield Community in Missouri, originally a Lutheran congregation in southern California. (Janzen 1996) That transition involved a change from an anti-quota labor system to a more specific work requirement that may be called a “fair-share labor system.” (
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The other time based sharing systems are: