Alphabet vs. the Goddess
* Book: The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image. by Leonard Shlain.
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"The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image is a transdisciplinary work of critical theory by American surgeon Leonard Shlain, published by Viking Press in 1998. Shlain begins with the assumption that "when a critical mass of people within a society acquire literacy, especially alphabet literacy, left hemispheric modes of thought are reinforced at the expense of right hemispheric ones, which manifests as a decline in the status of images, women's rights, and goddess worship....I found this connection compelling and could not let it go until I had superimposed it on many different historical periods and across cultural divides."
Shlain applies this paradigm to 35 pairs of concepts, e.g. Image/Word; Hunters/Gatherers; Aleph/Bet; Dionysus/Apollo; Birth/Death; Illiteracy/Celibacy, 500-1000; Faith/Hate; and Page/Screen, 1945-2000."