Negri on Foucault

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* Article / Interview: - Negri on Foucault. Libcom, 9th October, 2004



"In this interview Negri discusses the influence of Michel Foucault on his work, stating how as the radical Italian left drifted towards vanguardist armed struggle after 1968 __“we understood that this military drift was something which the movements would not be concerned with; and that it was not only a humanly unbearable choice, but also a political suicide. Foucault, and with him Deleuze and Guattari, warned us against this drift”.


Reading Notes from Michel Bauwens:

(It's likely I read a French-language version of the article above, given the quotations selected)

There are three period in Foucault's work:

   - 1) during the sixties, he engaged in the study of discourse of human sciences, modernity, as episteme
   - 2) during the seventies, he focused on the study of the relationship between knowledge and power; the disciplines and biopower; the history of sovereignty
   - 3) during the eigthies: subjectivation processes, its aesthetics and political aspects (i.e.  “le rapport esthétique à soi; le rapport politique aux autres”))

Foucault did not discuss:

   - the passage of the welfare state to its moment of crisis
   - the transition from fordism to post-fordism
   - the transition from Keynes to neoliberalism

Bourdieu was a sociological positivist, and denounced Foucault's "subjectivism", a feature that Negri denies.


- “Foucault rejette le transcendantalisme, les conceptions qui prétendent pouvoir analyser la société de l'extérieur: la seule méthode qui nous permet l'accès au social, c’est celle de l’immanence absolue, de l’invention continue de la production de sens, et des dispositifs d’action.”

- “La subsomption réelle de la société au capital” = the totality of life and society comes under the logic of capital: “quand le capital investit dans la vie entière, la vie se révèle comme résistance".

- “Le commun, c’est ce que nous construisons ensemble pour assurer à l'homme la possibilité de se produire et de se reproduire.”

- “Dans le commun, rien de ce qui faisait nos singularités n’est suspendu ou efface: elles sont seulement articulées les unes aux autres pour obtenir un agencement; chaque puissance se trouve démultipliée par celle des autres, et chaque création est immédiatement aussi celle des autres.”

- “Pour Negri, le communisme est “la production du commun”, et le militant participe à cette production.”

More information

  • See also: Antonio Negri: __Marx and Foucault: Essays__. (Cambridge: Polity, 2017. Pp. 200.) Cambridge University Press:  September 2019;