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Implication of Liberation of Memes from Brains

(via Johan Nygren):

Hoyle Leigh, psychiatrist and MD and author of Genes, Memes, Culture and Mental Illness: Towards an Integrative Model (2010), details this under 10.6

"The implications of the liberation of memes from the confines of the brain may be enormous for the Homo sapiens. As long as memes needed the brain and, therefore, the genes to survive and propagate, memes that were loudest in ordering genes to replicate them had a survival advantage. Such memes would propagate by threatening annihilation of the genes on one hand and promising “eternal life” on the other – religions being prime examples. When memes are freed from the confines of brains that are dependent on gene multiplication, there is less need for the memes to co-opt genes for their purpose. Put another way, the assemblies of memes that had survival advantage in gene-based brains may not be as potent in replication in cyberspace and in brains that derive information directly from cyberspace (as opposed to from other brains exclusively).

Memetic liberation may thus result in the liberation of gene-based brains from the imperative of memetic replication." (

More Information

Books to Read

* Book: The Meme Machine. Susan Blackmore, 1999.

Johan Nygren:

"16 years ago, Susan Blackmore released the seminal work The Meme Machine, and put forth in detail how cultures are created by smaller units of information called memes, darwinian replicators that evolve through mutation and selection, and that these were what constituted language, and cultures. The word meme had been around for decades, originally coined and popularized by Richard Dawkins in 1976, and similar concepts date back to early civilization. “ (