Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

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= "What can prosperity possibly mean in a world of environmental, social and economic limits?"

URL = https://www.cusp.ac.uk/


"The Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity (CUSP) is an internationally leading research organisation funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Directed by Prof Tim Jackson at the University of Surrey, it takes the form of a rich international network, drawing together expert partners from academic and non-academic institutions as co-producers of the work programme.

The overall research question is: What can prosperity possibly mean in a world of environmental, social and economic limits?—We work with people, policy and business to address this question, developing pragmatic steps towards a shared and lasting prosperity.

Our guiding vision for sustainable prosperity is one in which people everywhere have the capability to flourish as human beings—within the ecological and resource constraints of a finite planet. A prosperous society is concerned not only with income and financial wealth, but also with the health and wellbeing of its citizens, with their access to good quality education, and with their prospects for decent and rewarding work. Prosperity enables basic individual rights and freedoms. But it must also deliver the ability for people to participate meaningfully in common projects. Ultimately, prosperity must offer society a credible and inclusive vision of social progress. The over-arching goal of CUSP is to contribute to that essential task."