X Party

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URL = http://partidodelfuturo.net/en/


"The X Party, the political party of the future Partido del Futuro, is the party that has already won in the future. The X Party is an unknown/question mark. The X Party is the party that wins because it implements the program which allows a true democracy to be established, the one people can make serve to defend their interests. The X Party, the political party of the future enters parliament, opens its doors and returns sovereign power to the people through the implementation of its entire program: Democracy Full Stop." (http://partidodelfuturo.net/en/)


"The X Party, the Party of the Future, is the party that has already won in the future.

The X Party is an unknown. Is the party that wins because it implements the program that allows a true democracy to be established, the one people can use to defend their interests.

The X Party, the Party of the Future enters parliament, opens its doors and returns sovereign power to the people through the implementation of its entire program: Democracy Full Stop.

In the future, every citizen has the possibility to improve and vote on laws that affect them or propose laws through popular legislative initiatives or to improve and vote those that affect them directly via binding referendums.

Laws are made online or through permanent spaces in public institutions (post offices, town halls, etc.), in the view of everyone, and everyone can contribute without being a multinational corporation, as has long been done in Porto Alegre, since 2003, or in Iceland with the recent 2011 Wikiconstitution.

Thus, the political elite as it was known in the old regime disappears, replaced by elected public employees who compile and run effective decisions directly expressed by the population.

These public workers have no say, though of course, as citizens they have the same right to propose and vote on all kind of laws. Just like everyone else.

In the future we are doing really well. Life is worth the while because it’s lived very comfortably: work is just and good because we have eliminated wasteful and unnecessary costs as those used to sustain the pathological rich, we have houses and our future citizens receive modern and adequate education and are healthy. Having eliminated these concerns that weighed down the progress of past generations, our people are dedicated to collaboratively taking up and practicing their skills and interests in a way that generates sustainable development that constantly increases general welfare.

The Future is here and it’s pretty good.
The X Party, the party that’s coming.

There is no better future than a good present.

The X Party format:

Logic is the political ideology of the X Party, the political party of the future.

Its program contains only one point: Democracy Full Stop (popular legislative initiatives, propositive, abrogative or approvative binding referendums, WikiGovernment, real and permanent right to vote and transparency).

When Democracy Full Stop is achieved,all the rest will be achieved accordingly.

As for speakers and candidates, these figures are totally démodés in the future because people do what they know how to do in cooperation with others, according to their abilities and possibilities. Nobody makes statements about issues they don’t know about, but everyone can learn from everything. We trust those who work on a topic because they don’t do it in secrecy; we have transparent access at all times to their sources and proposals.

The party’s patrimony is public and is currently zero.

The domain and web server of this site have respectively cost 12.90€ and 25€ (approximately, depending on the exchange value) for all of 2013.

The reason why 180.60€ is a small cost for us is because we paid using Bitcoins. We acquired them a year ago when this electronic currency was worth much less than at present. Without expecting it, we have been benefited.

X Party: The only party that does not want to represent you.

You will not give your vote to parties. You will vote to build laws. The future has arrived, and it’s pretty good." (http://partidodelfuturo.net/en/el-partido/)

More Information


  • EL PAÍS (compartido 15000 veces con 3000 comentarios - lo nunca visto): Joseba Elola: "Seguidores del 15-M y la cultura libre en Internet ponen en marcha el Partido X" (8-1-2013)



  1. http://noticias.lainformacion.com/asuntos-sociales/partido-x-no-queremos-delegar-nuestro-futuro-en-#ningun-tipejo-por-eso-mantenemos-el-anonimato_ezuGrbrWnwBaCw3wetsqp/
  2. http://www.tercerainformacion.es/spip.php?article46931
  3. http://www.gurusblog.com/archives/analisis-estrategico-partido-x/29/01/2013/
  4. http://www.mujeresenred.net/spip.php?article2092
  5. Europa Press: http://www.europapress.es/nacional/noticia-nace-partido-partido-futuro-resetear-espacio-electoral-espanol-desalojar-hemiciclo-20130108143030.html
  6. Efe: http://www.diariodenavarra.es/noticias/mas_actualidad/nacional/2013/01/08/nace_partido_para_quot_desalojar_quot_hemiciclo_quot_resetear_quot_politica_103368_1031.html
  7. "EL partido sin rostro" (Opinión, 9-1-2013): http://elpais.com/elpais/2013/01/08/opinion/1357675789_303506.html
  8. RTVE: http://www.rtve.es/noticias/20130108/nace-partido-para-desalojar-hemiciclo-resetear-politica/597221.shtml
  9. LA VANGUARDIA: http://www.lavanguardia.com/politica/20130108/54358886539/nace-partido-x-partido-futuro.html
  10. 20MINUTOS: http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/1694253/0/partido-x/partido-del-futuro/reiniciar-el-sistema/
  11. EL PERIÓDICO: http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/politica/nueva-oposicion-ciberpunk-partido-del-futuro-partido-2288955
  12. PÚBLICO: http://www.publico.es/448521/nace-el-partido-x-para-desalojar-el-hemiciclo-y-reiniciar-el-sistema [2]
  13. ABC: http://www.abc.es/espana/20130108/rc-seguidores-movimiento-ponen-marcha-201301081411.html
  14. EL DIARIO MONTAÑÉS: http://www.eldiariomontanes.es/rc/20130108/mas-actualidad/nacional/movimiento-crea-partido-201301081321.html
  15. EL DIARIO VASCO: http://www.diariovasco.com/rc/20130108/mas-actualidad/nacional/movimiento-crea-partido-201301081321.html
  16. LA SEXTA: http://www.lasexta.com/noticias/nacional/nace-partido-futuro-apuesta-politica-inspirada-15m_2013010800043.html
  17. CUATRO: http://www.cuatro.com/noticias/espana/Partido_X-_Partido_del_Futuro_0_1537725413.html
  18. ANTENA 3: http://www.antena3.com/noticias/espana/nace-partido-impulsado-seguidores-15m_2013010800069.html
  19. EL MUNDO http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2013/01/08/espana/1357667341.html
  20. LA MAREA: http://www.lamarea.com/2013/01/08/el-partido-x-genera-aun-mas-incognitas-tras-su-presentacion/
  21. TENDENCIAS 21: http://www.tendencias21.net/notes/Nace-el-Partido-X-una-formacion-politica-que-pretende-reiniciar-el-sistema_b5103271.html
  22. DIARIO SUR: http://www.diariosur.es/rc/20130108/espana/movimiento-crea-partido-201301081321.html
  23. DIARIO DE SEVILLA: http://www.diariodesevilla.es/article/espana/1433722/seguidores/m/fundan/partido/futuro.html
  24. INTERECONOMÍA: http://www.intereconomia.com/noticias-gaceta/politica/llega-partido-x-intencion-reiniciar-sistema-20130108
  25. QUE.ES: http://www.que.es/ultimas-noticias/espana/201301081411-seguidores-del15-ponen-marcha-partido-rc.html
  26. EL ECONOMISTA: http://ecodiario.eleconomista.es/politica/noticias/4513820/01/13/El-Partido-del-Futuro-o-Partido-X-nace-para-reiniciar-el-sistema-politico-Entremos-en-el-Parlamento-y-hagamos-un-ERE.html
  27. DEIA: http://www.diariovasco.com/rc/20130108/mas-actualidad/nacional/movimiento-crea-partido-201301081321.html
  28. CRÓNICA NORTE: http://www.cronicanorte.es/nace-el-partido-x-quienes-son/32945
  29. EL NORTE DE CASTILLA: http://www.elnortedecastilla.es/rc/20130108/mas-actualidad/espana/movimiento-crea-partido-201301081321.html
  30. NOTICIAS DE NAVARRA: http://www.noticiasdenavarra.com/2013/01/08/politica/estado/el-partido-x-irrumpe-en-politica-para-reiniciar-el-sistema
  31. LA RAZÓN "Partido X, al abordaje" (Opinión, 9-1-2013) http://www.larazon.es/detalle_opinion/noticias/622240/opinion+columnistas/partido-x-al-abordaje
  32. EL CONFIDENCIAL (9-1-2013) http://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2013/01/09/el-partido-x-se-defiende-no-hay-que-confundir-transparencia-con-anonimato-y-privacidad-112481/
  33. EL REFERENTE: http://www.elreferente.es/actualidad/politica/nace-el-partido-x-o-partido-del-futuro-para-reiniciar-el-sistema-en-espana-23499
  34. TERRA: http://noticias.terra.es/simpatizantes-del-15-m-fundan-el-partido-x-para-reiniciar-el-sistema,449720b4a1a1c310VgnVCM20000099cceb0aRCRD.html
  35. EL TRIANGLE http://eltriangle.eu/cat/notices/2013/01/es_presenta_el_partit_x_que_defensa_una_operacio_ciutadana_de_desallotjament_de_l_hemi_33228.php
  36. LA VOZ DE GALICIA http://www.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/politica/2013/01/08/nace-partido-x-pretende-reiniciar-sistema/00031357662231040539452.htm
  37. EL LIBRE PENSADOR http://www.ellibrepensador.com/2013/01/08/partido-x-partido-del-futuro/
  38. DIARIO DE CADIZ http://www.diariodecadiz.es/article/espana/1433722/seguidores/m/fundan/partido/futuro.html
  39. DIARIO DE JEREZ http://www.diariodejerez.es/article/espana/1433722/seguidores/m/fundan/partido/futuro.html
  40. LA VANGUARDIA. Columna de Manuel Castells "Partido del Futuro" (12-1-2013): http://www.lavanguardia.com/opinion/articulos/20130112/54361811362/manuel-castells-partido-del-futuro.html#.UPEaXiAyV2k.twitter

  1. "El Partido X apuesta por la transparencia pero esconde su identidad" (8-1-2013)


  1. Juanjo Millás en Hoy por Hoy (9-1-2013, no sé si es lo mismo que abajo):


  1. Opinión de Soledad Gallego-Díaz en Hoy por Hoy (9-1-2013):


  1. "De los 'hijos' del 15M, llega el Partido X para "reiniciar el sistema":


  1. Viñeta de JR Mora: http://humor.lainformacion.com/jrmora/2013/01/08/partido-x/
  1. Isabel GEMIO "Te doy mi palabra" (5-1-2013)


  1. http://www.ondacero.es/noticias/nace-partido-impulsado-seguidores-15m_2013010800069.html

Fuera de Spain

  • LE MONDE (Francia): "Les `indignés' cherchent leur place dans la recomposition de la

gauche espagnole" http://www.lemonde.fr/europe/article/2013/01/09/les-indignes-cherchent-leur-place-dans-la-recomposition-de-la-gauche-espagnole_1814441_3214.html

  • INFOBAE (edición argentina):


  • Blog LATITUDE de Jonathan Blitzer (NEW YORK TIMES, 11-1-2013) . "Democracy. Period":


  • Gabinete Digital do Rio Grande do Sul, "Gabinete Digital é referência para novo partido

político espanhol": http://gabinetedigital.rs.gov.br/post/5488/

  • Periodista Digital "¿Tiene usted la más ligera sospecha de quién está detrás del Partido X?":
