Understanding Cosmolocalism in the Transition Towards Post-Capitalism

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* Article: Cosmolocalism: Understanding the Transitional Dynamics towards Post-Capitalism. By Alexandros Schismenos, Vasilis Niaros and Lucas Lemos. tripleC 18 (2): 670-684, 2020.

URL = https://www.academia.edu/44134387/Cosmolocalism_Understanding_the_Transitional_Dynamics_towards_Post_Capitalism?


"Over the last decades, the proliferation of ICTs and capitalist markets has created a new social-historical reality for communication, production and societal organisation, while social inequality has deepened. In this context, alternative forms of organisation based on the commons have emerged, challenging the core values of capitalism. Within this new form of egalitarian and transnational collaborative networks, a new concept of social coexistence has been proposed: cosmolocalism. This article presents the genealogy of cosmolocalism and compares it to previous conceptual universalist reconfigurations, namely cosmopolitanism and internationalism. While the current discourse on cosmolocalism focuses on production and distribution, its political dynamics and limitations remain unexplored. Our ultimate goal is to open a path of inquiry for further reflection and deliberation."