Transmodern Dialectic Triad of R.M.R. Magda

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Irena Ateljevic:

"Magda ... uses Hegelian logic whereby Modernity, Postmodernity and Transmodernity form a dialectic triad that completes a process of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. As expressed in her own words: “the third tends to preserve the defining impetus of the first yet is devoid of its underlying base: by integrating its negation the third moment reaches a type of specular closure” (Magda, 1989, p. 13). In other words, transmodernity is critical of modernity and postmodernity while at the same time drawing elements from each. In a way it is a return to some form of absolute logic that goes beyond the Western ideology and tries to connect the human race to a new shared story, which can be called a global relational consciousness (Rifkin, 2005). "


More information

Magda, R. M. R. (1989). La sonrisa de saturno: Hacia una teoría transmoderna. Barcelona, ES: Anthropos.

Magda, R. M. R. (2001). Transmodernity, neotribalism and postpolitics. Interlitteraria, 6, 2-18.

Magda, R. M. R. (2004). Transmodernidad. Barcelona, ES: Anthropos.