Talk:FLOSS Cloud Computing Platforms

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Page Title Issues

I don't want to add a new page when there is already one here for the information I want to aggregate, but I'm not really comfortable with the phrases "FLOSS" or "Cloud Computing, for the reasons explained by Richard Stallman:

"The terms “FLOSS” and “FOSS” are used to be neutral between free software and open source. If neutrality is your goal, “FLOSS” is the better of the two, since it really is neutral. But if you want to stand up for freedom, using a neutral term isn't the way. Standing up for freedom entails showing people your support for freedom."

"The term “cloud computing” (or just “cloud”, in the context of computing) is a marketing buzzword with no coherent meaning. It is used for a range of different activities whose only common characteristic is that they use the Internet for something beyond transmitting files. Thus, the term spreads confusion. If you base your thinking on it, your thinking will be confused (or, could we say, “cloudy”?)."

--Strypey (talk) 01:43, 21 March 2016 (UTC)

On reflection, I don't feel comfortable helping to curate a page that uses the "cloud computing" buzzphrase for the reasons listed above. I have started a new page called Free Code Self-Hosting Packages and moved the intro text I wrote from here to there. If @MBauwens is ok with this, we could redirect this page to that page. Otherwise, both can continue to exist, but I will continue adding packages at the other page. Strypey (talk) 13:57, 29 April 2017 (UTC)