Savouring Europe

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= documentary series on Slow Food bioregionalism in Europe


Mark Whitaker:

"Though there are 13 video segments, only 11 of them seem viewable to me. However, I put all 13 links below if you can see all of them.

In Europe, this localization or 'slow food' movement (a description is tucked into this post) has been coming about for a generation. It is occurring as a transnational, homeless, European technocrat class with loyalties to nothing except themselves--without elections, without referendums, without legality--blithely erode long term durable bioregionalism of humanity in Europe.

This corrupt EU project to destroy bioregionalism against rejected referendums to the contrary is attempting to pressure politically a material homogenization of all the commodity and regional identities of Europeans with their many cultures, foods, and folkways for the interests of only a tiny transnational political economic elite. The European Union is a corrupt aristocratic project instead of a multi-regional, representative, sustainable state.

I predict the EU will fail because it is an unsustainable project in its current version that rejects bioregionalism, the requirements of geographic voting, and ecological checks and balances. However, in the long interim learning process why the EU is bad currently, it will cause much damage to people's health, ecology, and economics before the EU fails.

That is what is so fascinating about these films: it balances well the coverage of the negative damage that the EU is doing to local health, ecology, and economy that is so bleedingly apparent, though the films additionally and beautifully interweave a positive message of how quiet, hungry, healthy, regional resistance is maintaining and even recovering older culinary traditions. This is a lever that can turn the world.

Why is the project of maintaining bioregional foodways important?

Without any particular order, first, it is because biodiversity of the human food varietal heritage of plants and animals fitted to particular regions is in danger, being politically pressured by other more consolidated choices that fit well nowhere and lead to degradation of health, ecology, and economy. Without this global larder of multi-regional knowledge for what fits in certain regions well, institutionally preserved by using and eating it daily, we will (and already are) living much risker lives with more crop failures and animal diseases." (