Proportionate Precautionary Principle

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The PPP is a more technology-friendly version of the precautionary principle advocated by the environmentalist movement.

The concept is mentioned in the techno-progressive literature of rhetorician Dale Carrico (see the entry on Techno-Progressivism)


Many technoprogressives champion what might be called a Proportionate Precautionary Principle (or "PPP"), a version which advocates that:

  1. We should always be cautious in the face of possible harm;
  2. As assessments of risk and harm grow more severe according to the consensus of relevant science, the burden of their justification rightly falls ever more conspicuously onto those who propose either to impose them or to refrain from ameliorating them; and
  3. The processes through which these justifications and their assessments properly take place must be open, evidence-based, and involve all the actual stakeholders to the question at issue.

More information

  1. Dale Carrico's foundational essay at ; an update with a mininal political program, which includes a universal basic income proposal, at
  2. Dale Carrico's Amor Mundi blog at