Primavera de Filippi on the CoordiNATION as Alternative to the Network State Model

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Primavera de Filippi's talk "From Competition to Cooperation: Blockchains as a Catalyst for CoordiNATION"


"In a time of eroding trust in institutions and prevailing societal models, people are seeking solutions to governance challenges, and this is why this book is receiving so much attention. The BlockchainGov Vision aims to address this by exploring how institutions can utilize blockchain technology to foster better collaboration and governance among stakeholders. Unlike the Network State and its exit-based governance, we advocate for a commons-based governance approach, which we refer to as CoordiNATIONS.

We believe cooperation is more effective in building robust systems than competition, and we prioritize interdependence over independence. Choosing exit governance leads to creating separate states competing, which is not a novel concept. CoordiNATIONS, on the other hand, adopts commons-based governance and acknowledges the importance of independence and interconnectivity. Since establishing a state is technically challenging, we have opted for "nation," which denotes a collective that comes together around shared resources and a distinct identity. This allows it to coexist as an overlay on top of an existing state or nation without engaging in competition and emphasizes cultural values and principles instead of evading established laws."