Plexus Institute Commons Project

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= "a web-based system for trustworthy mutual cooperation based on community validated contribution and reputation".



"This project treats individuals as being autonomous agents situated in the real environment where they can act independently and have the ability to not only sense the impact of their action on their local environment but with this new project will be able to appreciate it better both locally and globally. The project will scale an individual's dynamic interaction with environmental systems through augmented feedback on a local and global scale creating a new self-organizing awareness for the individual and the community at large.

To do this we will create and support a web-based system for trustworthy mutual cooperation based on community validated contribution and reputation. The self-organized system will operate on a blockchain web platform that supports Distributed Autonomous Organizations allowing it to scale and at the same time be locally adaptable. Initially, the platform will feature two major modes of collaborative action. The first is to make the invisible visible through a virtual environment where the environmental impacts of real actions by individuals and communities will be graphically represented so that air can be seen to be cleaner and land conserved. The impact of collective action across the globe will be compiled into a global picture of progress.

The second intervention is the creation of a digital currency that is valued on the degree of positive environmental impact of individual and collective behavior change. Environmentally positive actions are validated by the community with the currency allocated to the individual or group who took the action. Unlike more common digital currencies this currency cannot be invested in but only earned through positive action. This currency will be similar to other offerings in the digital currency world because it can serve as a prediction market that assigns value. In this case, the currency will be based on environmental impact essentially giving the environment an opinion on value." (