Panarchy Economics

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"The design of 'panarchy economics', or whatever we shall call it, mirrors the design of the internet. They both evolve from and for the same conditions, to elevate collective intelligence, and both systems have the surprising ability to change everything." (


"The ecology of our planet supports all the overlapping networks of people that make up our human population. In these glocal networks, economic systems route the flow of value, scaling from local to global. This global network of people, of us, is a complex adaptive system of sentient, connected persons.

Networks are the fundamental organizing principle of life itself, from cells, to ecosystems, to society, technology and beyond. Networks are flexible and resilient, able to adjust to changing environments. They are scalable, have no center and can operate in a wide range of configurations.

The cumulative effect of the shift from pyramidal hierarchies to networked heterarchies comprised of overlapping spheres of authority and collective action is called panarchy. Panarchy resembles not so much a structure, but an ecosystem – an organic, fluid complex adaptive system.

The systems for coordinating human activity, economics and politics, continuously adapt to our accelerating socio-technological evolution, and our current generation of technology unfolds a new political and economic narrative. This narrative more accurately describes the complexity of our human family, and the overlapping networks of people that make up our glocal civilization.

This emergent narrative of p2p networked economics, complex adaptive, fluid organic, is what I call panarchy economics, a transitional term to help restructure our cultural beliefs. It´s an emerging framework of economics for the panarchy civilization, of fluid complex adaptive economic systems, that scale from local to global, from self-sustaining individuals to global relationships - it´s a systems-design that allows for this scalability, for a resilient, flexible, organic, natural system that allows us to coordinate our activity within the networks we are part of.

In essence, panarachy economics, or economics, deals with the rules for transactions, it is an implemented system of protocols, mutual agreements, it is politics, it´s an interface for co-existing. It is housholding of our common resources, accomplished through the resilience of communal autonomy and freedom, it is decentralization as a rational alternative, it is an implementation of the science of anthropology, psychology, human ethology and all our collective knowledge about human nature.

This systems-design of scalability is the core of panarchy economics, it´s protocols should scale from local to global without friction. There are already protocols that accomplish this, like the ripple monetary system, and similar designs will be implemented globally, and they will scale to any network size. In these 'decentralized monetary systems' a 'basic income algorithm' will be implemented, that redistributes wealth to every node of the network, a taxation that elevates every person to act autonomously on the market. It´s a rational algorithm to guarantee uncorrupt flow of human activity, an investment, a transition shift from the top-down economy to the bottoms-up economy. I´ve written more on this, and there is a world of knowledge out there in our global network, you´ll find links around this hub, just click around the web and it´s all out there.

The beauty of all this, if I may make broad generalizations, is that a 'decentralized monetary system' with a 'basic income algorithm', a nexus monetary algorithm (need a better word...) will extinct ALL the negative consequences of capitalism and elevate our altruistic nature, it will eventually develop into a resource based economy as people find they only need payment for scarce, physical goods, and all other activity will be within the gift economy, it will accelerate all other cultural transitions (such as changing 'education' and 'juridical' norms), so it´s a priority in my mind, at least." (

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