PBS New Heroes series on Social Entrepreneurs

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Not a webcast but a series of TV documentaries. However, there's a number of podcasts available at the site.

URL = http://www.pbs.org/opb/thenewheroes/meet/

"The heroes you'll meet on these pages and in these films are different from those in the pages of most history books. They are not famous politicians or legendary soldiers — yet they have improved the lives of MILLIONS of people and made the world more secure. Their 'arsenals' are not of weaponry, but of creative ideas, dogged determination and a deep belief in their power to change the world. Also known as "social entrepreneurs," they develop innovations that bring life-changing tools and resources to people desperate for viable solutions."


Muhammad Yunus - Grameen Bank

Grants small loans without requiring collateral. -

Maria Teresa Leal - Coopa Roca

Brazilian sewing cooperative.

Albina Ruiz - Ciudad Saludable

Alternative waste management organization in Peru.

Dina Abdel Wahab - Baby Academy Alternative preschool chain in Middle East.

Inderjit Khurana - Ruchika School Social Service Wing, Train Platform Schools

Educational opportunity for indigent children in India.

Sompop Jantraka Development and Education Program for Daughters Community Center (DEPDC)

Education and socialization program for girls and women in Thailand who would otherwise be forced into prostitution.

Harvard Social Enterprise Program

Skoll Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Oxford Business School

Social Enterprise Coalition

Stanford Business School - Social Innovation

Columbia Business School - Social Enterprise