Organic Economy Model

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Theory for a sustainable economy, expressed in an extended essay.

Essay at



"Our conventional economies rely on perpetual growth for their success. In a world with finite resources (especially fossil fuels), an economy based on the assumption of perpetual growth will eventually reach a point where this growth becomes limited by the ability of nature to provide ever increasing amounts of resources. A growth economy has no mechanism to cope with these limits. Instability and even economic collapse are likely outcomes.

An organic economy is an economy that is able to recognize that continuous growth is neither possible nor desirable. It balances itself in an organic harmony with nature. Equally importantly, it maintains an inner organic balance in the flows of value, capital, loans, gifts and consumption. These flows are orchestrated through a decentralized money system.

Cooperation is the cornerstone of an organic economy. This cooperation does not eliminate competition, but in fact incorporates it.

These three main points are taken from the Introduction:

1. Organic Economy – Growth and decline each play crucial roles in organic systems. Balancing these aspects within our economy is essential for its strength and stability. Perpetual growth is unsustainable and will lead to collapse.

2. Cooperation – The cooperative nature of economic activity transcends the competitive aspect. Competition has its place, but when it is taken as the guiding principle within an economy it becomes an extremely destructive force. Cooperation is the ultimate cornerstone of the economy, not competition.

3. Money Systems – A healthy economy requires a decentralized money system that does not depend on perpetual growth to maintain its effectiveness." (