Open Source Psychedelia

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= the objective of Project Sunspot



"Many leaps and bounds have been made in all fields of psychedelic research and education in the last century, and continue to be made at an accelerated rate. Yet one approach has still not been taken as it has not been able to have been taken effectively before now— addressing the public at large. This group exists as an attempt to do just that, in the simplest and most all inclusive way possible.

It exists as a tool to quantify and document the world number of those who in one way or another:

Support the furthering of psychedelic research/education.

People from all walks of life, professionals from all fields; the numbers of support can be found growing out of nearly all facets of society if one chooses to look. And while each one is as valuable as the next, and while they all support the same fundamental goal, they all contribute to it in vastly different ways. This process is excellent and will undoubtedly unfold great results in time, but if we could find a way to declare and build on a singular link between all common interest, we could all contribute to each other and the whole in ways that could easily be greater than what any of us could have previously expected." (