Men's Sheds - Australia

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Desmond Ng:

"In Australia, the community decided to take on a more active role in tackling rising dementia and social isolation among elderly men.

They created Men’s Shed, the concept of a community group which shares resources, tools to work on projects, and interactions. Each shed has its own activities to appeal to local residents.

Ric Blackburn, executive officer of the Victorian Men’s Shed Association, said there were individuals living in loneliness and isolation but organisations didn’t know how to deal with it. “Instead of waiting around, the locals started Men’s Shed,” he said.

“Families and doctors were initially worried that (such persons) were going to get hurt or weren’t going to be looked after. (But) the men in the shed welcomed them, supported them and looked after them.

“It gives these men confidence and stimulation, and opportunities to develop friendships.”
