Legal Commons for the Blockchain

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"Legal frameworks that support pluralistic commons-based incentive initiatives represent our best chance at meaningfully sustainable ecological revival."

Crypto Law Review:

"What does an even broader “Law Commons” look like — far beyond narrow regimes like IP law, environmental law, the law of the sea, and so on?

Here are some some concrete characteristics:

  • open-source geospatial mapping engines & data (e.g., OpenAR Cloud; #EthMaps);
  • open-source jurisdictional maps, including private/public jdxns (#EthMaps + #EthLaw);

o* pen-source doctrinal law maps, including all the world’s legislative, regulatory, and public case-specific law (#EthLaw); etc.

This results in a view of view of the tech and law-stacks as mutually-constitutive and complementary.

Importantly, please note how the tech stack is front-running the law stack.


The key decision point for everyone today is whether we want the tech stack to be dominated by private BigTech corporations (with all the known and yet-unknown problems this produces), or whether we want a tech stack that is maximally resistant to capture by the BigTechBrothers of the world.

The answer should be clear.

Everyone benefits from open-source commons stacks. A world with, say, EthMaps & EthLaw* mapping engines is Pareto optimal to a world without these stacks.

At a minimum, these global databases serve mission-critical redundancy functions, a core utility proposition of projects like OpenStreetMap.

Our legal frameworks must protect global blockchain commons stack developers, because global blockchain commons developers are building technologies that protect us."
