Hologrammatic Principle

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Bruce Alderman:

"For Morin (1992, 1999) the hologrammatic principle entails that the organization or information of the whole is in the part, which itself is in the whole. Or as he puts it, in Homeland Earth, in the context of its intercultural and geopolitical implications: “Not only is it the case that every part of the world is more and more party to the world, but the world as a whole is more and more present in each of its parts” (http://www.conscjournal.org/?page_id=191, Page 14)


Bruce Alderman:

"Due to the holographic interdependence and interpenetration of part and whole, it is becoming increasingly difficult in our global context to imagine that our identity and behavior, religious or otherwise, can be conceived independently of the rest of the world. We are at once increasingly party to the state of the world, and more and more entangled with each other.

For Morin, however, hologrammatic relation must be understood in the context of, and as inseparable from, the two other concepts that comprise complex thought: dialogic and recursivity. In complex thought, dialogical thinking involves regarding polarities (whether phenomenal or conceptual) as complementary and antagonistic (with and against) at once (Morin, 1992), resisting the (over)simplifications of both reductionistic and holistic orientations. And the principle of recursivity posits a circular causal feedback loop similar to autopoietic organization, in which a process generates products or effects which are in turn essential to its own continuation or existence (Morin, 1992). Recursion involves interactions and retroactions which move between, and feed back into, the participating elements." (http://www.conscjournal.org/?page_id=191, Page 15)

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