Global Decentralized Network for Open Secure Data Transfer

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Jarno Marttila:

"Streamr is an open-source platform that aims to create a global decentralized network for open but secure data transfer. The Streamr community members are connected by a shared social goal: the advancement and sustainability of the Streamr project. This goal requires not only technology development but also the adoption of it, i.e., use cases in different contexts that successfully adopt P2P technology developed within the Streamr project. Both code and non-code contributions from the community members are valuable for the project. The Streamr community’s underlying challenges relate to the limitations of information commons (de Rosnay & Stalder, 2020; Greco & Floridi, 2004). Open-source software projects or digital commons can also suffer from the “tragedy of commons” (Greco & Floridi, 2004; Hardin, 1982) – a scenario where the short-term benefits of individuals will decrease the value of the open-source community and eventually decay the whole system. In contrast to physical goods commons, information commons do not suffer from overconsumption; they instead become more sustainable through increased consumption due to network effects (Mindel et al., 2018). However, the tragedy of the information commons refers to the eventual collapse of the network when people only consume and no longer contribute to network maintenance (de Rosnay & Stalder, 2020; Greco & Floridi, 2004). These commonly noted challenges of collective action were addressed in the token and system design."
