Espaco Comum Luiz Estrela

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= Espaço Comum Luiz Estrela is a commons-oriented cultural center in Belo Horizonte, Brazil



Nina Alvarenga:

""The "Espaço Comum Luiz Estrela" is an abandoned "mansion" that has been occupied and transformed into an open and horizontal cultural center, oriented against the capitalist logic,being one of the few scenarios around here that speaks clearly of the "comum" (urban commons) using these terms, and in particular, that has long-term projections and physically set place to develop.

The space has developed several activities with working groups of restoration and memory, theater, project on mental health and even a popular school, among others, remaining open to proposals of the most varied.For five years living a process of internal organization and structural reforms, the expectation is that this year it will open its doors more consistently."