Doing It Ourselves

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= awareness and transition project started in Melbourne Australia: "to get through the economic, resources and environmental crises and build a better world".



"Doing It Ourselves aims to broaden understanding of the debt crisis and peak resources, and encourage action for the sake of personal preparedness, happiness and ethical living.

We believe there is an upside to everything. The convergence of the debt crisis, peak resources and environmental calamity is a perfect opportunity to create stronger, happier communities and smarter, healthier ways of meeting our needs.

While it seems that institutions, governments and big business are still too embedded in the system as it is to really want to transition, an increasing number of people are just going ahead and doing it ourselves - for the sake of being prepared, acting ethically and preferring a community-based life in a system that operates beyond the economic growth paradigm.

As people continue to lose jobs or otherwise become affected by financial crises, an awareness that the current crisis is unavoidable, that alternatives do exist, and that people getting involved in them are becoming happier and healthier while working less - gives us a good chance of the necessary transitions happening smoothly.

So Doing It Ourselves is a not-for-profit awareness-raising project which started in Melbourne, Australia and now has branches getting going in Sydney and Canberra as well. Please lget in touch if you might be interested in getting a Doing It Ourselves group going wherever you are.

We've just launched our animation, and have only just gotten up most of the rest of this website at the same time. Apart from all of that, we've been giving talks, selling zines, and putting together a directory for Melbourne. We're also planning to start documenting and running tours of resilient houses, gardens and projects; helping facilitate discussion/support/action groups; and writing a series of essays and guides on how the system currently works and it could be done with much less money and energy. And we're very open to any other projects you might like to start to help raise awareness as well." (

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