Bytes for All

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Bytes for All = comprehensive resource on ICT-related initiatives in South Asia, aimed at the fullest possible social development.

Maintained by Frederick Noronha and team.



"Bytes for All (B4All) is a networked space for citizens in South Asia. It experiments, highlights and organizes debate on the relevance of ICT to development activities. South Asia - often considered as an ICT powerhouse, is also the home of highest number of poor people in the World. Poverty is not just about income or GDP, its also about human development, access to better life, education, health, opportunities, empowerment and human rights. In human development index, South Asia doesn't stand brighter either. We do not create the hype that technology will solve all problem overnight. Rather we emphasize that causes to poverty are related to socio-political issues such as, un-equal distribution mode of a society, unfair trade regime, lack of good governance etc. Then what technology can do? We believe, technology can play an important role in facilitating the objectives of this socio-political solutions. Therefore when we talk about ICT solutions to poverty, we are not devoid of context and reality. We refer ICT as a process that can help achieving certain objectives more effectively, quickly and without the need of any gate keeper. To our view, ICT doesn't replace the need of good governance or people's rights to get equal opportunities, rather ICT can complement this process. When you read Bytes for All, please understand this is our spirit."

More Information

  1. Digital Divide