Association Valeureux

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= “The Factory of Common goods Wealth actualisation tools” is emerging, gathering best tools and best people from everywhere; builders of the Wezer open source collaboration platform for the solidarity economy



Sybille Saint Girons:

"Valeureux has started as a collective of 10 French money transitioners in 2009. Since 2013 it’s a non profit association based in Paris.

Its purpose is “revealing, attuning and sharing all forms of wealth in the service of Life”.

Its piliars are Wealth actualisation, organic Governance, integral Vision and serving Life.

Valeureux designs, engineers and spreads human and technological cooperation processes, particularly through games, awareness and subtile combinaison of fun & profound. It proposes events, workshops, trainings, coaching, consulting and publications in France, and abroad thanks to Community Forge partnership. Focus is on wealth actualisation, as making them real, updated and empowering their potential. It covers governance, complementary currencies, alternative indicators, colective intelligence and human development." (