​Spanish 15-M Movement as Consensual Dissent

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* Article: The Spanish 15-M Movement: a consensual dissent? By Víctor Sampedroa and Josep Loberab. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies ; Volume 15, Issue 1-2, 2014. Special Issue: Spain in Crisis: 15-M and the Culture of Indignation

URL = http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14636204.2014.938466?journalCode=cjsc20&


"Since May 2011, the Spanish 15-M Movement (commonly referred as los indignados [the outraged]) has become a major player in the domestic political scenario. Public opinion data reveal that there is a cross-sectional support for the 15-M among the general population in Spain, affecting people of different ages, genders, employment situations and levels of urbanization. The data present a “movement of dissent” and confirm the crisis of the consensual culture of the Spanish political transition from Franco's regime to democracy. The 15-M challenges previous consensus and expresses the need to reform or to overcome the close-knitted institutional map designed by the elites driving the transition. The outraged movement advances and leads a new political culture based on widespread social dissent. Our data suggest an imbalance between the cultural and the political impact of the 15-M, and how this tension will be a central element of cultural and civic life in the next decades in Spain."