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        "pages": {
            "43619": {
                "pageid": 43619,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Re-Centering the Human in Technology",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
                        "contentmodel": "wikitext",
                        "*": "\n'''* Article: THE INNER SENSES AND HUMAN ENGINEERING Mark Stahlman. (Center for the Study of Digital Life). Dianoetikon 1 (2020): 1-26 '''\n\nURL =\n\n\n=Description=\n\n\"When you hear a tech executive waxing expansively about space travel, rest assured that humans are not likely to be the explorers.58 Having extravagantly failed to engineer a \u201cbetter human,\u201d the sentiment today has shifted towards \u201creplacing\u201d them.  Replacing us.  All of us.  With something better.  Something no longer \u201canimal.\u201d  And, one suspects, also something no longer \u201crational.\u201d  The 20th century loss of our previous understanding of what it means to be human \u2013 fueled by the urge to \u201cexperiment\u201d on us, requiring the jettison of the earlier Faculty Psychology \u2013 has stolen from us our ability to grasp what has been happening already for decades now. Happening to us all. We must retrieve that understanding or face the inevitably dire consequences. \n\n...\n\nThe alternative to all this \u201cdecentering\u201d and \u201cdeprivileging\u201d might be to return to the beginning of our effort to understand the human psyche. Aristotle \u201cinvented\u201d psychology in the 4th-century BC. His Peri Psyche (De Anima in Latin and On the Soul in English) is little studied today and generally unknown to the typical psychology major. Indeed, repeated and detailed discussions of Aristotle appear to be rare nowadays. Thomas Aquinas famously brought Aristotle back in the 13th-century and his Commentary on Aristotle's De Anima (along with many others, including key figures in Islamic philosophy) really has to be featured in that renewed course of study.  Today, academic followers of Thomas, particularly among Spanish philosophers, while few-and-far-between, continue to keep these topics alive. Until the \u201cEnlightenment\u201d these were wellworn paths both in Continental and Anglophone circles.  The time has come to retrieve this largely forgotten wisdom.\"\n\n\n\n[[Category:P2P Technology Theory]]\n[[Category:Articles]]\n[[Category:Cosmobiological]]"
            "30545": {
                "pageid": 30545,
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                "title": "Re-Commoning Food to Crowd-Feed the World",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
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                        "*": "\n'''* Article: Transition towards a food commons regime: re-commoning food to crowd-feed the world. By JOSE LUIS VIVERO POL'''\n\nURL =\n\n\n=Abstract=\n\n\"This paper analyses the main fault lines of the industrial food system and the consequences of the absolute commodification of food. Then, using the food regime theory and exploring the developments in the industrial food system (mainstream) and the urban alternative food networks  and rural food sovereignty movement (innovative niches), the author proposes a transition pathway (the re#commonification of food) towards a food commons regime in which primacy rests in its feature as human beings$ absolute need and the different dimensions of food are properly valued, in opposition to the corporate mono#dimensional valuation of food as a commodity. %n order to crowdsource this transition, this paper argues the food sovereignty movement and the need to grow together, beyond individual organisations, to knit a different and bigger  food web capable of confronting the industrial food system for the common good. This ongoing transition that will span decades is to be steered by a tricentric governance system (urban and rural civic collective actions for food, partner states and social private enterprises) that enables access and promote food in all its dimensions through a multiplicity of open structures and sustainable peer#to#peer practices aimed at sharing, co#producing and trading food and knowledge. Unlike the market, the food commons are about cooperation, sharing, stewardship, equity, self#production, sustainability, collectiveness, embeddedness and direct democracy from local to global. shifting the dominant discourse from the private sphere to the commons arena will open up a whole new world of economic, political and societal innovations, not least the Universal Food coverage.\"\n\n\n[[Category:Commons Transition]]\n\n[[Category:Agrifood]]\n\n[[Category:Commons]]"