What Have Complementary Currencies in Japan Really Achieved

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  • Article: What Have Complementary Currencies in Japan Really Achieved? Yasuyuki Hirota D 22-26

URL = http://www.ijccr.net/IJCCR/2011_(15)_files/05%20Hirota.pdf


"Japan has been regarded from abroad as one of the most developed countries in terms of CC systems, depicted by Kennedy and Lietaer (2004) as “the country in the world with the most systems in operation today, but also the nation with the greatest diversity of such experiments.” However, this paper argues that the lack of literature about initiatives in languages other than Japanese has been a hurdle that has not allowed Western researchers to grasp the real picture. This article’s goal is to show the historical development of CC initiatives in this East-Asian country, revealing how the very concept of having another means of exchange for communities has been transformed over years by the unique interpretations and the conceptual manipulation of Japanese promoters and practitioners." (http://www.ijccr.net/IJCCR/2011_%2815%29.html)