Metamodern Monasteries

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= concept from Hanzi Freinacht


"If modern society has, as Foucault argued, been marked by “the birth of the clinic”, Metamodern society must usher in

“the rebirth of the monastery”, echoing and carefully recycling some of the finest aspects of medieval society… The purpose of metamodern monasteries would be to offer all citizens necessary periods of seclusion (and/or community) and concentrated honing of inner skills, such as healing from trauma, making crucial life-decisions or transitions, learning new life philosophies, practicing meditation and taking care of the body, forgiving people who hurt us, sorting out ethical dilemmas, and other transformational practices. All of these services should be backed up on a collective level so that people are guaranteed a year off from work and be guaranteed a basic livelihood during this period.”

Today’s global problems can become “solvable” only through the global awareness that includes many previously “othered” perspectives. The ailments of modern world can only be treated if we grow into the adults whose level of inclusion surpasses family/nation/and race identities and broadens to include queer/animal/and ecological perspectives."
