Journey into the Consumerization of Hacking Practices and Culture

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* Article: How to Make a “Hackintosh”. A Journey into the “Consumerization” of Hacking Practices and Culture. by Paolo Magaudda. Special issue (#2) of the Journal of Peer Production on Bio/Hardware Hacking, 2012.



"In How to Make a “Hackintosh”: A Journey into the Consumerization of Hacking Practices and Culture, Paulo Maggauda stresses the connection between lay expertise and mass consumption. He argues that modification and subversion of digital devices are undergoing a process of popularization where new segments of the population are being included, amateurs, laypersons and non-experts. Magaudda exemplifies this with a paper on the hacking of non-Apple computers transformed into “Hackintosh”, and more specifically into MacBook Nano-like devices. This paper demonstrates how the heterogeneous realm of hacking is influenced by cultural elements, discourses and representations typical of the consumption sphere that cannot be limited to its technical elements. "

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