Integral Methodological Pluralism

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= a concept from Ken Wilber


Andrew Porter:

"The ideological principles of an IMP include:

  • Non-exclusion (a ‘pluralism’ of perspectives, which is a solidarity the postmodern metameme attempts to take, but in failing to recognize and properly contextualize interiority slides into a solidarity with all sentient life regardless of perspective, which lends itself to contradiction, nihilism, narcissism, and endless identity politicking.)
  • Enfoldment (the notion that everything—including perspectives—are wholes (‘integral’) BOTH composed of parts which are themselves also wholes AND at the same time parts of yet greater wholes (aka, ‘holons’). This is the move that both takes a solidarity with all perspectives and properly contextualizes them into natural hierarchies that privilege the most inclusive of the others; hence an ‘enfoldment.’)
  • Enactment (a naive empiricism would assume that there is a world ‘out there’ just hanging out and waiting to be discovered, whereas Wilber’s IMP principle of enactment allows for different potential world-spaces to be disclosed by—again—perspectives that are always in some sense ‘methodological’, in that they derive from a shared praxis or injunction of interior understanding."

(via The Metamodern Forum, Feb 4, 2021)