Hacker Spaces - Business Models

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In Quora, in response to a request for info on business models used by hackerspaces:

David Molnar explaons the problem needing to be solved:

"Hacker spaces typically have monthly recurring costs, such as rent and utilities. You need to cover these costs every month or there is no space. This means either bringing in cash each month, or periodically bringing in amounts of money that can stretch across multiple months.

Memberships help meet these cash requirements. Plus they have the additional benefit of keeping the members engaged with the space. that's how the energy rises and the space becomes a creative, vibrant place to be."

David Huerta writes:

"The core source of most of their revenue seems to be in membership dues ... Different Hackerspaces have had various amounts of success with different combinations of revenue; Metrix: Create Space in Seattle brings in revenue from equipment rental/time sharing. NYC Resistor hosts regular workshops, which is a large source of their revenue. QueLab leases out office space to local startups." (http://www.quora.com/Whats-the-best-business-model-for-a-hackerspace)

Survey on expected funding sources

Jarkko Moilanen:

"This topic was added to 2011 survey. I was curious to see attitudes towards different funding sources. Participants were given following with likert scale options: company donations (money), company donations (devices, equipment, etc.), Membership fees, Governmental sources (aid from different programs which help building and maintaining volunteer activities) and Donations from individuals (money or other resources)."

Source: http://blog.ossoil.com/2011/07/10/peer-production-communities-survey-2011/