Everipedia Network

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= a project for a "A Peer-to-Peer Encyclopedia Network".

URL = https://github.com/EveripediaNetwork/Everipedia/blob/master/TechnicalWhitepaper110.md


"Emerging blockchain technology has made it possible to create an incentivized peer-to-peer network for submitting, curating, and governing a database of encyclopedia articles. Participants in the network earn tokens for curating and submitting content to the database, then use these tokens to vote on protocol upgrades and further submissions or modifications to the database of articles. Websites, businesses, or individuals can build their own user interface to interact with the network or a subset of the network. This allows websites and applications to access and collaborate on a synchronized database of human knowledge, a “greater wiki,” that is constantly updated by all participants and applications on the network.

We propose a three module system consisting of a token module, a governance module, and an article submission module. These components interact to create a sustainable, decentralized, immutable, incentivized network of editors that create quality, well-cited encyclopedia articles. The usefulness of having credible information included in this highly ordered, historically recorded, and community maintained distributed database becomes valuable. This usefulness and a stake in the overall network provides the token its utility and value." (https://github.com/EveripediaNetwork/Everipedia/blob/master/TechnicalWhitepaper110.md)